17 Sept 2010


Another natural light shot, with harsh light streaming in through a window. I like to think it adds mood...

16 Sept 2010

My friend Jesus - Portrait

After shooting a bunch of portraits with my cheapo umbrella/flash set-up I decided to take an available light portrait of my Mexican friend Jesus.

The Nikon 35 f1.8 DX AFS does a really great job, and sharp too!

15 Sept 2010

Micro Stock photography sites are "evil"

At least most of them are... and I have believed for some time that they have damaged the industry. Nice to see someone agrees with me. There is an article here: “Unsustainable” – MicroStock Comes of Age…er, Not. that deals with the Micro Stock photography industry and explains why it is not all coming up roses.

I personally have never had the urge to sell my hard work for a pittance and probably never will develop that urge, but the Micro Stock industry has affected many hard working photographers worldwide negatively anyway. If you feel the urge to work for nothing, at least do it for a good charitable cause, not to simply enrich some jerk in an office a thousand miles away!

Daryl - Portrait

Nikon D90, Nikon 35mm f1.8, SB600 flash shot thru cheap transparent umbrella = lots of fun!

14 Sept 2010

Kevin - Portrait

Putting my umbrella to good use!

I could really get used to having so much control over the light...

13 Sept 2010

Another from the same session

It's amazing what a big difference the cheap budget shoot through umbrella makes to portraits as opposed to direct flash. A definite step up in terms of quality! The diffuse light falls off much more gently, and gives a nicer, more natural look. One day I want to step up to more powerful studio lights, but until then my existing flash units look like they can handle these smaller jobs.

12 Sept 2010

Phoebe - Portrait

Trying out my new shoot thru umbrella with a Nikon SB600 flash inside.

11 Sept 2010

Small town blues!

Late night in Parys, South Africa. It doesn't exactly rock, but it's a nice little town.

9 Sept 2010

In the details...

Everybody liked the previous photo so much that I decided to include another from the same shoot. :-)