24 Apr 2011

Ibanez Acoustic Bass Guitar - 1

After putting it off for the longest time I finally got to start regular practice with my bass and  I suddenly realised why I wanted an acoustic bass instead of a regular electric bass. It's the sound you see, it's just more organic somehow, even when plugged in. Love it!

23 Apr 2011

How to deal with heavy back-lighting.

Leave the camera on auto and you will end up with an unattractive, boring, black silhouette every time. Take a test shot, check it out on the cameras LCD screen, adjust exposure compensation to overexpose, re-shoot, check LCD screen, readjust exposure compensation to taste, re-shoot and voila! Easy peasy!

Nikon D90, Nikon 35mm f1.8DX, 1/160s, f2.8, aperture priority, +4 exposure compensation, edited in Corel Paintshop Pro X3.

9 Apr 2011

The Death of my Ibanez RM80 Mixer

After many years of faithful service my ancient mixer accidently toppled off a table during a gig and landed on the floor with predictable results. Because it is so old nobody even wants to look at it for repairs so I had to go and get a new mixer... boohoo, and sob!

But the upside is that I could now use it for some photographic fun! Yay!

First the original pic:

Then I got to messing about with the Virtual Photographer plugin in Corel Paintshop Pro X3:

Groovy Baby, Yeah!

1 Apr 2011

Pretoria Skyline

After an absence of a few weeks I feel I need to post something quickly while I have a few minutes to spare. I have been on the road and generally just too busy to get to the blog and will probably be in the same state of being for a couple of weeks more. Please forgive me and enjoy this pic of my hometown of Pretoria.

Ciao, and see you soon!