8 Mar 2025

Shooting Glass in the Home Studio

The nice thing about having a spare room in the house for my tiny studio is that it is always ready to go day or night when I get the bug to shoot something. Today I spied some of my wife's glass ornaments... so I appropriated a few pieces and photographed them. Huzzah!

Taken with my D750 and the wonderful Sigma 105mm f2.8 on a tripod. Two sb700 flashes for side lights shot through reflectors fitted with grids and an sb910 fired through a large octabox from behind. All three speed-lights controlled and triggered via the awesome Nikon CLS remote flash control system.

Pull back shot

26 Feb 2025

Everybody Loves a Sunset!

Everybody loves a sunset, even me. Well hey, what's not to like?! 😁

Nikon D750, 50m f1.8, hand held, processed in DxO PL8.

ISO 100, f/2.8, 1/4000s, exposed for the highlights

ISO 450, f/8.0, 1/500s, exposed for the highlights

ISO 100, f/8.0, 1/800s, exposed for the highlights


25 Feb 2025

Studio Fun With Old Cameras

 I have an old camera addiction collection that is stored on various shelves & in several boxes in our small storage room. From time to time I like to get them out and peruse in wonder at the early days of photography, the innovation and incremental technological advances that finally led us all the way to the digital wonders that we have in our hands today. Then I put them away again until next time, but it is somehow comforting that at least they have a home where they can be kept out of the local waste dump site.

Today I decided to put a few of them in front of my digital wonder paired with some lights and see what I could throw together in about 15 minutes. Here they are and at the end I have a pull back shot just to show the layout of the lighting. More info at the end of the post.


All photos taken with my D850 (hand held) with the wonderful 24-120mm, set to f8, iso64 at 120mm. I used five Speedlights triggered remotely via an SU-800 Commander, the lights were separated into three groups so that each group could be controlled separately. The Speedlights are mounted into and shooting through some Elinchrom light modifiers via Godox mounts attached to light stands, except the background light which has a gobo from Magmod attached to get the light stream effect.


17 Nov 2024

Quiet Streets of Landskrona

Landskrona isn't exactly a hive of activity after dark. These were taken early on a Saturday evening when most other towns are buzzing. 😀

All taken with the D850 and the 24-120mm lens hand held and processed in DxO PL6.

Chilly Evening Walk - Landskrona


Bokhandel Landskrona

Taken out side the Bokhandel (book store) in downtown Landskrona looking towards the main town square and old city hall.

Nikon D850, Nikon 24-120mm f4, @ 24mm, f8.0, 1/200s, iso 8000, hand held, processed in DxO PL 6.

27 Oct 2024


My wife and I recently discovered a beautiful little lake not too far from where we live and considering that we have lived here for almost 12 years it came as a bit of a pleasant surprise. I took a bike ride yesterday and stopped by for a photo or two. Here is my favourite of the day.

Nikon D850 and 50mm f1.8, my favourite lens/camera combo ever.

31 Jul 2024

Landborgspromenaden (part 2)

 The Landborgspromenaden is a hike/walk in the southern Swedish province of Skane through the town of Helsingborg going from north to south. There is a map of the route available online, just click here.

Recently a friend asked if I would like to join him on the walk so we packed our lunch into a backpack and hit the road & it turned out to be a wonderful walk through wooded and park areas that run through Helsingborg and includes several places of historical interest along the way.

I have split the the photos I took along the way into two posts, part one is mostly just the nature scenes and part two includes human aspects like buildings.

Landborgspromenaden (part 1)

The Landborgspromenaden is a hike/walk in the southern Swedish province of Skane through the town of Helsingborg going from north to south. There is a map of the route available online, just click here.

Recently a friend asked if I would like to join him on the walk so we packed our lunch into a backpack and hit the road & it turned out to be a wonderful walk through wooded and park areas that run through Helsingborg and includes several places of historical interest along the way.

I have split the the photos I took along the way into two posts, part one is mostly just the nature scenes and part two includes human aspects like buildings.